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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What you need to know about birthday party invitations

Pellicano's Karl Rove 'connection'

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:05:09 -0700
While director John McTiernan awaits a new indictment over his use of wiretapper Anthony Pellicano in a divorce case, he's pushing a new documentary that alleges the Pellicano prosecution was part of a Bush Administration plot to undermine Hillary Clinton that was led by Karl Rove. The NYT's Michael Cieply gets a great quote from Rove's people. Sheena Tahilramani, a representative for Mr. Rove, said that he had not seen the documentary — but that he was not without an opinion about its cla

Review: The Oak Apple, by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:02:00 -0700
#4: Covers 1630-1649; the Civil War The Ok Apple , the fourth book in the Morland Dynasty series, takes its reader to 17th century York, just before and during the Civil War. The Morland family is a house divided as Kit Morland joins the Royalist forces under Prince Rupert, his brother Ralph marries a Puritan, and Edmund Morland, the family patriarch, tries to be impartial. Hero Hamilton marries Kit, while her twin, Hamil, bitter over her marriage, joins the same side of the war as his enemy.

Savi Political Consulting to Offer Training Seminars on Political Campaign Strategy

Mon, 03 Mar 2008 00:00:01 -0800

The current scoop about water proof flashlight

Blinded by a Hoohah…

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:28:39 -0700
You know, I am never surprised by products on the market these days. I learn things from from the internet. For instance, did you know a crotch Toupee is called a Merkin? Well you probably did, but I am not a Family Guy fan and there has apparently been some references to this. So, there is a company that sells trendy fashion forward twat rugs. How odd and disturbing is that? Very, right… so we need pictures. But first, let me say this is a special Merkin… it has a LED flashlight. Incase

Joseph A. Palermo: Reporting From the Tea Bagger Hate-Fest in Sacramento

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:40:48 -0700
The hatred was palpable today on the State Capitol's steps. Hatred for taxes, hatred for government, hatred for state workers, hatred for teachers, hatred for Democrats, and hatred for all of the straw men that leap from the imaginations of talk radio jocks. But the most hated figure of all at today's "Tea Bag" anti-tax rally in Sacramento was President Barack Obama. One of the first placards I saw as I entered the Capitol grounds read: "Wake Up! Fresh Prince of Belair is Destroying Us -- Sto

After Seven Months of This Mess, What's Going to Happen Next?

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:14:17 -0700
John Slater submits: Seven months ago (Monday, September 15, 2008) we learned of the failure of Lehman Brothers and soon thereafter the sale of Merrill Lynch and the bailout of AIG]]. These events were the culmination of a series of market shocks that had started with the demise of the sub prime loan market, had accelerated with the collapse of the leveraged loan market starting in August 2007 and had included the takeover of Bear Stearns in March 2008. But September 15, 2008 is the curren

new york shows in the news

Azzam Tamimi, Hamas and the Taleban

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:49:43 -0700
The Irish Times has an account of a celebration of Hamas in Dublin last weekend. Azzam Tamimi, an Islamist extremist known to readers of this blog, and esteemed by the UK’s “Stop the War Coalition”, which had him round to speak at a Gaza fundraising event last month, was one of the speakers at the Dublin meeting. He was in fine Hamasnik form: “Once you recognise Israel, you say to the world that the rape of my country and my people is acceptable,” Mr Tamimi said. “It is a crime agai

Parcel Pets Launch Unique Loyalty Scheme, Parcel Pets Points

Wed, 10 Oct 2007 00:00:01 -0700® Content for Digital Signage now Integrated into Scala InfoChannel® 5

Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:00:01 -0700